

On Space Off Home

I have just published my first perzine. How exciting...scary...wow

This is a zine about my personal history of space. It is organized in pannels that give you insight
in different aspekts of my space experience.
I wrote it quite spontaneously and wanted to keep this unfiltered view. In the drawing process
the lindworm sneaked into the pages and in a way holds it all together now.

Emma Burleigh (Artist, Writer, Illustrator), who inspired and encouraged me to this work, wrote:
"I love the monster lurking - you manage to say so much in each panel through the juxtaposition of imagery."

This is an A6 booklet in black and white with twelve pages.
It is available through my etsy shop https://www.etsy.com/uk/shop/habermanndesign

Published on 28/08/2018 07:20 pm.